Brain tumor associated with gynecomastia - Gynecomastia Treatment

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Brain tumor associated with gynecomastia

We have already mentioned that most of the causes that lead to medical causes of gynecomastia are concerned and this is no exception. A tumor in a brain area can produce gynecomastia due to the production of certain substances.

But how that may be associated with a brain tumor and gynecomastia? The reality is that it is simple to explain, the first tumor must originate in the pituitary and must be of a type of tumor known as functional, which means that it is capable of secreting substances into the bloodstream


It is a gland that is responsible for secreting eight different hormones in our body that are necessary for proper control of the functions of our body. Among the six hormones secreted by the pituitary gland in which we care for gyno is prolactin , this hormone in women causes production of milk in the breast when the necessary time to feed the baby and therefore growth breast tissue to achieve produce these quantities of milk the baby needs .

Gynecomastia problem occurs when a tumor in prolactin producing cells , leading to the appearance of a tumor in medicine prolactinoma called occurs . In women the appearance of this tumor produces milk secretion and irregular menses . In the male produces sexual impotence, infertility, loss of body hair and gynecomastia. Also both can cause loss of vision or headache .

The hormone acts directly on the breast tissue , so to produce more of this hormone, male breast begin to grow abnormally and uncontrollably , in this case is not caused by an imbalance in sex hormones .

To resolve this case gynecomastia , we find we must solve the tumor , which in most cases is a special surgery performed by a neurosurgeon , in which the pituitary gland is removed through an opening made through of the nose , it is a risky procedure which can be performed only by an expert. Gynecomastia in most cases resolved months after removal of the tumor, but in this case the least concern of doctors and gynecomastia is concerned , the problem is that the life of the person is at risk for having a tumor brain that can lead to death.


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