What Should be Done to Eliminate Gynecomastia? - Gynecomastia Treatment

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Monday, May 21, 2018

What Should be Done to Eliminate Gynecomastia?

What Should be Done to Eliminate Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is an enlarged breast in adult males due to excessive growth of breast tissue. Gynecomastia can be caused by a hormone-producing tumor, but in most cases it is associated with benign causes.

Gynecomastia is an enlarged breast in adult men due to excessive growth of breast tissue, and although it does not cause any major health problems, it can lead to poor self-image and have psychological effects.

For this reason, it is important to determine the cause of the gynecomastia. In rare cases, a tumor can be caused by a hormone product, but in most cases, it is associated with benign causes. These causes can include genetics, obesity, the use of marijuana, the use of steroids and certain medications.

Similarly, weight loss and discontinuation of underlying causes can help improve symptoms, but surgery is often required to remove excess tissue that contributes to breast augmentation. Surgery is usually done as an outpatient procedure.

Surgery is often required to remove excess tissue that helps enlarge the breasts

In this case, in cases where enlargement is mainly due to an excess of fatty tissue, liposuction may be the best surgical option. When there is glandular tissue and excess skin, breast reduction can be performed to achieve optimal results. The incision is usually made around the aura, but may vary according to the patient's dissection and skin removal needs.

In addition, regardless of the type of procedure performed, the basic chest muscles will not be affected. Surgery usually lasts two to three hours. In some cases, surgical sinks may be necessary to prevent accumulation of fluid in the surgical site. Some practices use the ERAS (postoperative recovery) protocol that includes local anesthesia injected at the surgical site to reduce pain and discomfort after surgery. As a result, drugs are rarely necessary to control pain.

Patients can be expected to return home on the same day with some restrictions (ie without running or lifting heavy objects). Full restoration and release of all restrictions can be expected after six weeks.

However, it is important to keep in mind that surgery does not completely eliminate all breast tissue, so gynecomastia can be returned especially if the cause of the agitation continues (eg, using marijuana / amphetamine). It is important to discuss all options with a plastic surgeon approved by the board to determine the best treatment plan.


  1. Gynecomastia surgery is the appropriate way to reshape men chest. It is the advanced cosmetic surgery that turns the dream into reality for those men who want to get relief from overdevelop chest. Profile Studios is the leading cosmetic surgery centre in Punjab that provides the best gynecomastia surgery at an affordable price.

  2. Really appreciable content!! Thanks for sharing with us. Gynecomastia is generally because of the hormonal changes and excessive fat in men during the adolescene age. The best gynecomastia surgery in India is provided by the Vj Clinics in Visakhapatnam at very low cost.
