6 Treatment For Gynecomastia (Climb Testosterone) - Gynecomastia Treatment

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

6 Treatment For Gynecomastia (Climb Testosterone)

I only care for patients with gynecomastia. In women it is better to follow this treatment for high testosterone, but people should avoid these six causes of low testosterone. Decreased Testosterone is not a normal time like menopause for women.

The diagnosis of gynecomastia through a blood test is not easy because of the value of total testosterone fluctuate during the day. That's why I've prepared this calculator to determine which require increased testosterone.

what is Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the mammary glands in men. It is a good prognosis even without surgery, and when symptoms and other bilateral rapidly reversible present as fatty liver, uric acid and triglycerides.

Gynecomastia Treatment Without Surgery

Belly fat that appears as Insulin can convert testosterone into estrogen (female hormone). Fat that cause the symptoms of low testosterone: gynecomastia, decreased muscle and sperm. Most men with gynecomastia have insulin resistance and low testosterone. So I suggest using this calculator Metformin which determines the need for the treatment of gynecomastia.

It is recommended to start with a small dose (500 mg) at breakfast because initially cause dizziness and nausea. It can be taken for life. If you stop using the effect disappeared within 2 days.

Other causes of gynecomastia

Drugs such as atorvastatin (cholesterol), finasteride (for hair loss), ketoconazole (for toenail fungus), cyproterone (for acne), spironolactone (for acne) and flutamide (for acne) a decrease in testosterone in men and cause gynecomastia.

Also for heating food in plastic packaging chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) to disrupt all the hormones that are released. BPA is very dangerous for the baby, bottle makers. It is a serious problem and some countries have started to clamp down.

Shocking Green tea also affect the level of testosterone in men. Even some of the suspects are to blame for the current problems of fertility in Asian countries.

Another common cause of low testosterone is the consumption of soy foods (Reference 1). Soy phytoestrogens (plant hormones females) were able to produce gynecomastia.

In the finger existing environment in the womb, when all your organs are being developed reflected. Poor diet of the mother during pregnancy you may have just programmed to have less testosterone. It was evident in the length of the fingers for the rest of life.

1 comment:

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