Difference Between Gynecomastia and Pseudoginecomastia - Gynecomastia Treatment

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Friday, January 3, 2014

Difference Between Gynecomastia and Pseudoginecomastia

gynecomastia in men, male gynecomastia, gynecomastia treatment, male breast
Pseudogynecomastia : not gynecomastia

The psuedogynecomastia is a condition that is often confused with gynecomastia. When men know they have a fat chest compared with chiseled chest they want, probably the first thing that comes to mind is gynecomastia . The problem with this type of self is not all breasts are thick gynecomastia. Gynecomastia has its own underlying etiology and defined properties. If you do not know what is gynecomastia , please take a moment to read here and back.

What is pseudoginecomastia ?

Gynecomastia has an almost identical twin brother named pseudoginecomastia . Pseudogynecomastia is the same as gynecomastia with the exception of the underlying breast tissue.

For pseudogynecomastia is really fat instead of breast tissue that leads to fat or feminization of the breast. So if you think you have gyno just because you have a big chest, the first thing you should ensure is in fact what is gynecomastia . It is recommended that you consult with a doctor who specializes in the treatment and surgery of this . There are doctors who have slightly different approaches when it comes to differentiate gynecomastia and pseudoginecomastia , but I usually find out through the following method.

Difference between gynecomastia and pseudoginecomastia

The main difference as mentioned above , is the underlying mass leading to the feminization of male breast . In the case of gynecomastia , leading to the feminization of male breast growth is excessive breast tissue. However, if pseudoginecomastia , the underlying breast tissue mass , but not fat .
Diagnosis pseudoginecomastia

The patient lies on his back with his hands folded under his head . With the thumb and index separately , the examiner slowly brings the fingers of each side of the chest . In patients with true gynecomastia , feels a rubbery or firm mound of tissue consistency that is concentric to the nipple- areolar complex , whereas in patients with pseudoginecomastia such disc tissue is found.

The first and most important step is to lower the total fat content of your body, because if it is a genuine case of pseudoginecomastia , then once the fat is reduced in your body, you should be able to see the proportional difference in chest too. If you are unable to see the remarkable difference in the chest after he lost considerable fat from your body , then there is a high probability that is any breast tissue, and is then a combination of breast tissue and fat mixture gynecomastia .

Along with training the whole body workouts are specifically geared to the shape of the chest area and must be done under the proper guidance of a qualified fitness instructor. There are exercises aimed at building muscle and reducing fat mass and content. The fitness instructor should be able to give instructions as to what types of exercises are appropriate for you . The general rule should concentrate more to the upper chest . These days, there is a growing tendency among young people to use fat burning supplements to speed up the process.

Oh, and is not pseudoginecomastia .

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